Crafting Beauty: Transforming a Pecan Slab into a Stunning Live Edge Table with Red Epoxy Accents - CTM Woodworx

Crafting Beauty: Transforming a Pecan Slab into a Stunning Live Edge Table with Red Epoxy Accents


  • Introduce the beauty of Pecan wood and the character it brings to a live edge table.

Materials Needed:

  1. Pecan wood slab
  2. Red epoxy resin kit
  3. Sandpaper (various grits)
  4. Woodworking tools (saw, planer, router)
  5. Finish (such as oil, varnish, or polyurethane)
  6. Protective gear (gloves, mask, goggles)

Step 1: Assessing the Pecan Slab

  • Discuss the importance of selecting the right Pecan slab, considering size, grain patterns, and the placement of live edges.

Step 2: Preparing the Wood

  • Guide readers through the process of preparing the slab, including sanding, planing, and addressing any imperfections.

Step 3: Filling Imperfections with Red Epoxy

  • Detail how to use red epoxy resin to fill in cracks, knots, or other imperfections, enhancing the natural beauty of the wood.

Step 4: Retaining Live Edges

  • Explain the process of preserving and highlighting the natural live edges of the Pecan slab.

Step 5: Shaping and Smoothing

  • Discuss how to shape the edges and surfaces of the slab, ensuring a balanced and visually appealing design.

Step 6: Finishing Touches

  • Guide readers through the process of applying a finish to protect and enhance the wood, whether it's oil for a natural look or varnish for a glossy finish.

Benefits of Pecan and Red Epoxy:

  • Include a section discussing the unique qualities of Pecan wood and the visual impact of red epoxy accents.

Showcasing the Finished Piece:

  • Share high-quality images of the completed live edge table from different angles to showcase its beauty.

Personal Touch:

  • Share a personal anecdote or experience related to working with Pecan and red epoxy to connect with readers.

Encouraging Creativity:

  • Encourage readers to explore their own creativity by experimenting with different wood types, epoxy colors, and finishing techniques.


  • Summarize the key steps and emphasize the satisfaction of transforming a raw Pecan slab into a one-of-a-kind live edge table.
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