Making Crystal Clear Epoxy with Liquid Glass - CTM Woodworx

Making Crystal Clear Epoxy with Liquid Glass

Making Crystal Clear Epoxy with Liquid Glass


When it comes to crafting a dining table that's not just functional but also a conversation piece, combining natural elements with the gleaming finish of epoxy can yield stunning results. The use of Mesquite wood, known for its rugged charm and rich coloration, paired with the metallic sheen of copper, creates a rustic yet refined aesthetic. But, the true showstopper is the application of Liquid Glass Epoxy from Super Clear to create a crystal-clear layer that elevates the entire piece. Here’s how you can make a mesmerizing 72" dining table from Mesquite wood and copper mica using Liquid Glass Epoxy for a deep pour that's both beautiful and durable.


Materials and Tools

Before embarking on this project, you’ll need the following materials and tools:

  • Mesquite wood slab, prepared and sanded
  • Liquid Glass Deep Pour Epoxy from Super Clear
  • Copper mica powder
  • Epoxy mixing tools (stir sticks, mixing buckets, etc.)
  • Protective gear (gloves, goggles)
  • Torch or heat gun
  • Level
  • Clamps
  • Sealing tape or silicone caulk

Preparing the Wood

Mesquite, with its rich tones and intricate grain patterns, is the perfect canvas for our table. Begin by selecting a high-quality Mesquite wood slab, ensuring it’s flat and free of decay. Sand the surface to a fine finish, paying close attention to the natural edges and removing any loose bark.

Designing the Epoxy Base Color

To complement the Mesquite’s natural warmth, we mix copper mica powder into a base layer of epoxy. This metallic shade not only adds a luxurious touch but also enhances the wood’s character. Mix the epoxy resin with the copper mica according to the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring a consistent color.

Sealing and Creating a Mold

Prior to pouring the colored epoxy, seal any cracks or holes in the wood to prevent the epoxy from leaking. Construct a mold around the slab using melamine or a similar material, sealing it with tape or silicone caulk to ensure a tight seal.

The Copper Epoxy Pour

Pour the copper-colored epoxy into the wood slab, filling the voids and ensuring an even base layer. Use a torch or heat gun to remove any air bubbles, working quickly and carefully. Allow this layer to cure as specified by the epoxy instructions—usually at least 24 hours.

The Liquid Glass Deep Pour

Once the base layer has set, it's time for the star of the show—the Liquid Glass Deep Pour. Super Clear’s Liquid Glass Epoxy is specially formulated to pour up to two inches thick, providing a crystal-clear layer that resembles glass.

Mix the epoxy resin and hardener slowly to reduce air bubbles. Pour the mixture onto the cured base layer, starting from one end and moving to the other. The goal is to pour slowly and steadily, maintaining the thickness throughout.

Removing Bubbles and Curing

After pouring, bubbles may rise to the surface. Gently pass a heat gun or torch over the surface to pop them. This step is crucial to achieving a glass-like finish. The curing process is slow, allowing the epoxy to level and clear any remaining bubbles. It can take several days for the epoxy to fully cure—patience is key.

Finishing Touches

Once the epoxy is fully cured, remove the table from the mold and sand any rough edges. You might want to add a final polish to the surface for extra shine and smoothness.

The Final Result

The result is a majestic 72-inch dining table, the Mesquite wood’s natural beauty enhanced by the copper mica shimmering beneath a two-inch layer of crystal-clear epoxy. This table isn’t just furniture; it's a statement piece that marries the rustic charm of wood with the elegance of modern design.

Crafting such a table requires precision, patience, and attention to detail. Yet, the process is immensely rewarding, yielding a functional work of art that will be the centerpiece of any room it graces. Liquid Glass Epoxy from Super Clear makes such transformations accessible to both seasoned craftsmen and enthusiastic DIYers alike.

Each table tells a story, not just of the wood from which it was crafted, but of the hands that shaped it. With the right materials and a touch of creativity, anyone can create something truly unique and timeless.


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